Thursday, October 16, 2014

FAQ #3 - "Can someone recommend a good electrician, plumber, contractor, cleaning service, cat sitter, deck washer, etc.?"

This is the third in a series of "Frequently-Asked Questions" about life in The Esplanade. To see the complete list of FAQs, click HERE. Please consider submitting to this list of FAQs by writing a question, and then a corresponding article to answer the question.

By Dan Hardebeck

I did consider creating a page on the Esplanade website where residents could share these types of recommendations with other residents. However, I just did not feel that it was necessarily a good idea. With no way to verify the recommendations or keep the information current I did not want to be endorsing or condemning someone's business. However, if you are looking for a service such as a contractor, plumber, electrician, housecleaner, pet sitter, etc., then there are some options for you:
  1. First, if you use Facebook, you can search the Esplanade Facebook group and see what information has already been shared there. If you go to the Facebook group, there is a "Search this group" box in the upper left. If you type "electrician" into this box, you can see all the posts where people have asked about electricians.

  2. You can also use online recommendation sites such as Home Advisor or the Better Business Bureau or Yelp. There is also Angie's List, although that site costs.
  3. You might also ask the building manager, who probably deals with on-site service providers on a daily basis.
Apologies if this post seems kind of unsatisfactory; please feel free to leave a comment below.

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