Thursday, November 13, 2014

Highlights from the 11/13 HOA board meeting

The official minutes from tonight's board meeting should be available on this blog in the next week or so. The agenda for tonight's meeting is available HERE.

In advance of the official minutes, a few highlights from tonight's meeting:

  • The problem with one of the rooftop "compressor units" in the air conditioning system involves "acid buildup." Repairs are not needed imminently, as the air conditioning system is not heavily used in wintertime. Nevertheless, those repairs are likely to be very expensive. One estimate is in the $70,000 range. The management company is investigating possible repair options, with the help of Richmond Engineering.
  • One resident raised concerns about the possibility of a restaurant occupying the retail space in the building's southeast corner. Concerns included smoking, noise, etc. Board members responded that those concerns could be voiced if and when a restaurant company sought the space, but no such propositions are on the immediate horizon.
  • The social committee is considering a tree-trimming and silent auction fundraiser for Thursday, Dec. 4; board approval was given for this plan.
  • Bins for "Toys for Tots" have been placed in the lobby with board approval and designation.
  • New building manager Jonathan Chaffin will soon be asked to take on more monitoring of parking in the roundabout, and potentially issuing tickets from Republic Parking. For more information on parking in the roundabout, see this FAQ.

    On the subject of parking in the roundabout, there was discussion about the tractor trailer parked there over the weekend of Oct. 17-19. Board members confirmed that the trailer was parked there by representatives of "1515 Dock Street," for the company's use in removing furniture from the building. Board members also stated that the trailer was parked there in opposition of board directive. Board member Rodger Morris, who represents 1515 Dock Street, was not present at tonight's meeting.

    Also related to parking - the board asked the parking committee to explore the possibility of creating a loading zone in the street just outside the roundabout; this would create parking space for utility and delivery vehicles that would not require Esplanade enforcement.

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