Tuesday, December 30, 2014

A few news updates and reminders for this week

Just a few Esplanade news updates and reminders for this week:
  • The official minutes for the HOA general meeting which took place on 12/11/14 (a budget ratification meeting) are now available on "The Esplanade News" documents page. Click HERE to go to the documents page, then click on "HOA General Meeting Minutes." An unofficial summary of the same meeting can be found HERE.
  • Homeowners will note that their bill for HOA dues this month reflects an increase, as explained in the meeting minutes and summary linked above. A notice accompanying this month's bill erroneously stated the increase is "a little more than 6%." Condominium Management bookkeeper Karn Hanhart confirmed via email that this number was an oversight and should have said 9%.
  • Regarding the frigid temperatures in the hallways this week, a Facebook post yesterday on the Esplanade Facebook Group indicated that Jonathan is working on the problem, which may have resulted from "a broken wire on the 8th floor."
  • Once again a thank you to all those who helped put up the very nice holiday decorations displayed in the lobby the last few weeks, and also a shout-out to those who took on the somewhat less enjoyable task of taking the decor down and storing it for next year. Much appreciated all the way around.
  • Within the next month or so "The Esplanade News" will begin offering space to anyone interested in running for open HOA board positions. "The Esplanade News" will offer a page where interested parties can submit a photo and a written statement giving more information about their interest in running for the board. Three current board positions will expire in March.
  • Finally, don't forget about the New Year's Eve pot-luck and game night! All residents and guests (over 21, please) are welcome to attend, 8 p.m. to midnight. Bring your own beverage and a pot-luck dish to share. A variety of games will be offered (depending on interest) including betting games, so bring your nickles, dimes and quarters.

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