Sunday, December 21, 2014

Q&A with The Esplanade's first residents: Lynette & Margo

Having moved into The Esplanade when it was half-empty (or half-full, I suppose, depending on your disposition) I have often wondered who was the building's very first resident. After a bit of investigative reporting - one might call it snooping - I finally tracked down Lynette Chandler and Margo Holm, residents of unit 406, the first unit occupied in the building. Lynette and Margo were gracious enough to agree to a "Question and Answer" session for "The Esplanade News."

Q: How did you come to live in downtown Tacoma?
A: We were looking for a condominium where we could retire with friends (Joan Rogers, who lives next door in #407), and that would be close to public transportation when we felt we shouldn't be driving any longer. We also wanted a building with sturdy construction.

Q: A lot of people don't know what happened with this building between 2007 and 2011 - can you give us the brief rundown?
A: In 2008 Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae decided that it would only fund mortgages at high end condos that were 70% occupied. Prior to that there were 110 units here in the process of being sold. Shortly thereafter the building was foreclosed on and was up for auction. Lynn attended the auction which was held outside of the Public Safety Building. iStar Financial was the highest bidder and the building was returned to iStar. In about 2011 the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae reversed their decisions and returned to a 30% occupancy rate for a mortgage.

Q: Was the building completed when you first saw it? Did you see any of the construction?
A: The three of us visited the building three times. The first time we only saw the plans and the office was located in the Thea Foss Building; the second time we toured the building in hard hats and liked what we saw of the construction; the third time we signed papers.

Lynn, Margo and Joan (left to right) on a recent trip to Egypt

Q: What was it like living in a nearly empty building?
A:  Lynn was the first person to move in, and the Frames moved in across the hall the next morning. Only the first four floors were finished at that point. Lynn says it felt safe, and she had no problem parking where she wanted! The Frames were a good support system also.

Q: What are your thoughts on changes you've seen in the building and/or the neighborhood?
A: The populating of the building has been great. People have been open, courteous and friendly. Urban living is nice, and the new buildings coming up around us indicate that others also like urban living. Also, we like the continuous, though slow, connections to Old Town and the rest of the waterfront.

Q: Do you feel the revitalization of downtown Tacoma is on track, and do you feel like you've played a part in that?
A: The Esplanade has played a positive part in the revitalization of downtown Tacoma, and the new hotel and condos by the Conference Center will continue the trend.

Q: Anything else you'd like to share with us?
A: We like it here and are glad we chose the Esplanade.

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