Sunday, February 15, 2015

New sculptures (but no grass) coming to Esplanade sand pit

Observant Esplanade residents noticed a few weeks ago when the poles were removed from the sandy "volleyball court" on the water side of the building. Was this to be the start of a renovation of that area? Esplanade resident Tom Ebenhoh contacted the executive director of the Foss Waterway Development Authority, Su Dowie, and according to Dowie, bigger changes are coming for the sand pit.

"The art has been funded and is scheduled for installation in April 2015," Dowie stated in an email. "There will be a series of bronze 'buoys' that depict sea life - seals, shells etc.," she explained. The artist is Ed Kroupa of Two Ravens Studio, pictured at right in a photo from the Two Ravens Studio Facebook page.

Dowie added that regrettably, the sand will still be with us. "FWDA does not have funding to bring in a waterline, sprinkler system, or change out of materials (dirt for sand) for installation of grass," she said. However, she did indicate that the Foss Waterway Owners' Association could install grass, if building HOAs on the waterway are willing to fund it. 

For additional information, use the links below:
  • See Ed Kroupa's online portfolio HERE.
  • More pictures are available on the Two Ravens Studio Facebook page HERE.
  • To contact Su Dowie, see the FWDA's contact page HERE.
  • To contact the FWOA, click HERE.
  • To contact The Esplanade's HOA board, click HERE.

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