Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Committee updates: Parking and Fitness Room

A couple of updates to pass on from the Fitness Room Committee and the Parking Committee:

Some weeks ago the Fitness Room Committee provided a summary of their activities over the last several months. Click HERE to see that summary. This week, committee chair Tom Ebenhoh provided a brief update. On Saturday 3/21, a representative from a window-covering company came to look at the room, and provided information regarding installing blinds. The installation of blinds to provide privacy and shade was recommended by residents who completed the committee's survey in the fall. Tom's update also mentioned that the committee will soon have, for the board's consideration, pricing information for mats and a few other items, along with the proposal on blinds.

The Parking Committee was asked some months ago by the board to do some research to identify the city agency(s) that the board would have to engage with in order to request a loading zone on Dock Street, just north of the entrance to The Esplanade's roundabout. That section of the street is now metered on-street parking, but the board felt that the establishment of a loading zone there would relieve some of the traffic load in the roundabout. Committee chair Jim Farmer was able to research and contact the correct people with the City of Tacoma; the next step would likely be for the board to submit an official request to those individuals.

In addition, the Parking Committee made a recommendation to place "Fire Lane: Do Not Park" signs in the roundabout by the fence wall, instead of more expensive and complex approaches, such as red ground stripes. The board has indicated that the signs may be a practical and cost-effective answer to the problem of cars parked in that lane, potentially blocking large emergency vehicles.

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