Saturday, October 3, 2015

Blog update, and upcoming neighborhood events

If readers have noticed that the blog has been a little slow lately, that would probably be the result of a couple factors. First, the school year is getting under way and the blogger has been busy with his day job. Second, building manager Karen DeGraw sends out an email or two every week with building updates - something we have not seen in the past. Karen's diligence has perhaps rendered the blog just a little less necessary than it was a year ago. But not to worry - The Esplanade News will continue to bring you news tidbits, restaurant reviews, HOA reports, and more. As always, all residents are welcome to submit news, photos and commentary to the blog, and if anyone has ideas for a regular feature, please let me know!

Readers have asked me to pass on few upcoming events in the neighborhood. Thank you to everyone for contributing this information! 

Sunday, Oct. 4 - Watch the trolley move
The Tacoma News Tribune reports that on Sunday, starting around 8:00 a.m., the Old Spaghetti Factory trolley will make its way from the UWT campus to its new home in the former City Grocery space on Pacific and 13th. Might be an interesting spectacle to watch! See more at the News Tribune HERE.

Monday, Oct. 5 - I'll believe it when I see it
Really, this is the day. Honestly, I know there have been several false alarms on this before, but this one is it. All right, I'll believe it when I actually see it happening, but according to reliable reports, on Monday city workers will begin installing Floating Life Forms, the art that will occupy the former volleyball court on the water side of our building. The formal dedication of the artwork will occur on Oct. 15, on the esplanade, from 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Read more at the Tacoma Daily Index HERE.

Saturday, Oct. 10 - Paddle Day at the Foss Waterway Seaport
A full day of paddleboard adventures, including discounted lessons, paddleboard yoga, and more. Never tried paddleboarding? This is your chance! See more at the FWS website HERE.

Tuesday, Oct. 13 - The thin green line in Tacoma
In case you haven't noticed, oil trains pass directly adjacent to our building on a daily basis. The safety, environmental, and financial risks of this are significant. Learn more at a presentation on Oct. 13 at the UW Tacoma, at 7:00 p.m. Learn more HERE.

(The photo above is the Old Spaghetti Factory trolley, not an oil train.)

1 comment:

  1. OK, yes, thank you to all of the concerned people who have emailed me to tell me I have a photo of the wrong trolley. Yes, I see now that it says "Portland" right on it, and ours says "Tacoma." That's what I get for doing a quick Google image search and stealing someone else's photo. If anyone has been out to see it being moved and has ACTUAL photos, I would love to put them on the blog!
