Sunday, April 24, 2016

News and notes for this week

A few items of news and note for this week:

  • Hot water will be off Monday: The hot water will be shut off Monday, April 25th from 10 am - 2 pm for a plumbing repair. Residents will still have cold water during the shut-off.

  • Access to lower garage restricted on Tuesday: Repairs are scheduled for the air conditioning units on the ramp to the lower garage, on Tuesday, April 26th from 9 am - 2 pm. During this time residents will not be able to drive in or out of the lower garage.

  • Walking and biking maps: Thank you to a helpful blog reader who sent in these links to Pierce County biking and walking maps. The biking map is particularly helpful, as it shows not only designated biking paths, but also streets with bike lanes/wide shoulders. The bike map is HERE and information about local walking trails is HERE.

  • City Services Expo: The City of Tacoma is hosting a community event at the Tacoma Dome, on May 7th from 10 a.m.-3 p.m., featuring demonstrations, activities, games and prizes. This event is free and open to the public. Attendees can learn more about the services delivered by the various departments at the City of Tacoma and how city government works. They will also have the opportunity to share ideas and feedback about how the City of Tacoma should utilize its resources

  • New Styrofoam recycling rules: Unfortunately, the recycling center in Tacoma no longer accepts styrofoam. It has therefore been decided, for now, to pay for styrofoam recycling pickup. However, the rules for styrofoam recycling with the new service are different. They will not accept styrofoam peanuts, or styrofoam food containers, so residents can no longer place these items in the styrofoam recycling bin in the upper garage. All styrofoam blocks must be "clean," meaning no tape or stickers attached. Under no circumstances should styrofoam blocks be placed in the garbage chute! For complete information on garbage and recycling in the building, click HERE.

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