Monday, November 7, 2016

News and notes for this week

Several items of news and note for this week:

  • Guest speaker this Wednesday:In conjunction with the building food drive currently underway (click HERE for more information), the Social Committee will host a guest speaker, Kevin Glackin-Coley, Director of the St. Leo Food Connection, on 11/9/16 at 7:00 p.m. in the community room. Kevin is the second in the "Esplanade Guest Speaker Series," hosted by the Social Committee. Kevin will address the problem of hunger in Tacoma and explain the programs sponsored by St. Leo's.

    Please consider bringing along a food donation - you can listen to the guest speaker and then leave your donation in one of the boxes in the lobby!

  • General HOA meeting and budget approval on Thursday:
    A mailing was sent on 10/19/16 to all homeowners, regarding the HOA general meeting this week. The meeting is Thursday, 11/10/16 at 6:00 p.m. in the community room. Some additional information:
    • Please note this is a general meeting of all homeowners, not just a board meeting. Typically at general HOA meetings there are several items on the agenda, including announcements, a homeowners' Q&A period, as well as a vote to ratify the proposed budget. If you are unable to attend Thursday's meeting and you wish to vote on the proposed 2017 HOA budget, you may fill out the proxy form that was included in the mailing and give it to a trusted neighbor who can vote for you.
    • A copy of the proposed 2017 HOA budget was included in the mailing to all homeowners on 10/19/16. This budget has been approved by the HOA's Finance Committee, and by the HOA board, and merely needs ratification by a vote of all homeowners. The budget ratifies automatically without an 80-vote majority to reject it.
    • The proposed 2017 budget would be the third consecutive year in which HOA dues have not increased. The last increase in HOA dues was a 9% increase in the 2015 budget.

  • Dates set for holiday events:The Social Committee will be decorating the Esplanade lobby and community room for the holidays on Saturday, 12/3/16. Any volunteers are welcome and appreciated.

    The annual Esplanade Holiday Party has been set for Saturday, 12/10/16 at 7:00 p.m. in the community room. In addition to food, drink and socializing, a highlight of the evening is always the basket auction. Each floor of the Esplanade is responsible for preparing a themed basket (examples are "A Taste of Italy," "All things Useful," "Dogs," etc.). The baskets are auctioned off at the party, and the proceeds help fund Esplanade social events throughout the year.

    Argosy Cruises' Christmas Ship will visit the Foss Waterway on Sunday, 12/11. The large, lighted ship features a live choir performing over loudspeakers for the benefit of those on shore. The choir will perform at the Glass Museum at 12:30 p.m., and the ship will make several passes through the Foss Waterway throughout the day. For more information or to buy tickets for the cruise, click HERE.

    The Tacoma Yacht Club's annual lighted boat parade is set for Saturday, 12/17/16. The parade, which typically features 30-40 boats decorated with colorful lights, begins at the Tacoma Yacht Club at 6:00 p.m. and should reach the Esplanade at approximately 7:00 p.m.

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