Sunday, November 27, 2016

Update on train noise

A few months ago, I attempted to compile some of the information regarding noise from train activity adjacent to the Esplanade. The noise is a nuisance for some residents, and various people here at the Esplanade have been exploring possible solutions. You can read my previous post on this subject HERE.

Two Esplanade residents have recently shared with me the transcripts of their email correspondence with the city and BNSF; you can read both of the complete transcripts in PDF format by clicking the links below. The most recent and probably relevant email came on November 16 from Glen M. Gaz, who is the Manager of Engineering for the NW Division of BNSF Railway. His final email reads, in part:

"BNSF does have curve greasers installed for the sharp curve along Dock Street. Our maintenance team has inspected the operation of the curve greasers and conveyed to me they are working properly. They have completed multiple tests to be sure the proper application of grease is being dispensed per the manufacturer specifications.

Unfortunately due to the sharp degree of curvature of the tracks at this location, even with curve greasers in place and working properly, all noise is not going to be totally eliminated.  The grease does assist with lessening the noise but squealing will still occur. The BNSF maintenance team will continue with frequent inspections of the curve greasers to ensure they continue to work properly in an effort to try and help lessen the squealing noise being generated at this location."

To read the complete transcripts of the recent email exchanges, click the links below:

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