Monday, January 16, 2017

News and notes for this week

Several items of news and note for this week:

  • Hot water shut off on Tuesday
    The hot water will be shut off on Tuesday, 1/17, from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for a repair.

  • Safety Committee meeting Tuesday - all invited
    The Safety Committee will conduct an after-action review of last week's fire alarm, for the purpose of improving our response to events like that one. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 1/17 at 6:30 PM in either the community room or the game room. Please feel free to join the committee for the discussion, especially if you are interested in joining the committee.

  • FWDA director to speak at the Esplanade on Wednesday
    The Esplanade Social Committee hosts occasional guest speakers in its series of "Esplanade Speaker Forums." These are not decision-making forums, but invited guest speakers. The next speaker, on Wednesday, 1/18 at 7:00 p.m., will be Norm Gollub, director of the Foss Waterway Development Authority, who will talk about development on the Foss.

  • Heat in hallways
    Some hallways have been noticeably cold for a couple weeks. After two attempts to repair the problem, necessary parts have been ordered. Hopefully the repair will be completed this week and the hallways will be warm again.

  • Mark your calendar for upcoming HOA meeting
    The annual HOA meeting for all condo owners will be Thursday, 2/9. At this meeting the association will vote to elect two residential board members and one board member representing the building's commercial units. Any owner who would like to run for a board position is encouraged to contact the board or contact Property Manager Matt Brown as soon as possible. It is necessary that 40 votes are cast, either in person or by proxy, to elect new board members. HOA members are strongly encouraged to attend the February meeting or give a proxy form to a neighbor.

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