Friday, November 17, 2017

Highlights from the 11/16/17 HOA board meeting

The official minutes from the HOA board meeting on 11/16/17 should be available HERE in the next couple weeks or so. In advance of the official minutes, below are a few highlights from the meeting, attended by all five current board membersProperty Manager Matt Brown was unavailable; Building Manager Karen DeGraw was present. Approximately 10 additional Esplanade residents were also present.

    Treasurer's report:
    • Board Treasurer Pat O’Donnell provided the balances in both the operating fund and the reserve fund, noting some of this month's bills and payments that were made.

    Committee reports:
    • Finance Committee:
      Committee Chair Tim 
      O’Donnell reported that a draft of the 2018 HOA budget should be available very soon. The board will approve the draft, then it must be mailed out to all homeowners for review. After the mailing, there is an open HOA meeting to approve the budget. A majority vote of all homeowners is necessary to reject the proposed budget, otherwise the proposed budget is automatically adopted. In recent years, the proposed budget has been adopted without vote, as there has not been 80 voters (including proxy votes) present at the budget adoption meetings.

      Tim and Board President Kathryn Vernon concurred that there will likely be a small increase of HOA dues for 2018, given that there has not been an increase since 2015. Tim strongly requested that in the future the board consider tying dues increases to an index such as the Consumer Price Index or the Producer Price Index.

      Kathryn also confirmed that it is possible the 2018 HOA budget approval meeting may not take place until after the new year, and she acknowledged that this was not ideal.

    • Safety Committee: 
      Committee Chair Pat Pound
       reported that at the annual fire drill on Saturday, October 14, there were 55 Tacoma firefighters trained in our building's layout and emergency systems. Pat also reported that a recent mass recall of fire extinguishers by the Kidde Corporation [see more HERE] does not impact the building's equipment, but may be of concern to residents with fire extinguishers in their units.

    • Social Committee:
      Committee Chair Sallie Zimmer reported on a few items being discussed by the Social Committee:
      • The presentation by Dr. Shannon Shea [see more information HERE] will be rescheduled. 
      • The Social Committee requested that $250 of the funds raised by the committee from past events be donated to this year's food drive, and the board approved this expenditure. Sallie also reported that the food drive is going well. Food items can be donated to the bins in the lobby and the P1 elevator foyer; cash and checks can be brought to Laurie Dooley in 913.
      • Some upcoming social events include:
        • 12/1 - Toys for Tots drive begins
        • 12/2 - Decorating the lobby for the holidays. Three new trees have been purchased for this year!
        • 12/9 - Annual building Christmas party. There will be no auction this year, but plenty of food, drink and socializing.
        • 12/12 - Christmas movie in the Community Room.
        • 1/17 - "Ladies Who Lunch"

    Building Manager's report:
    Below are a few of the projects on which Building Manager Karen DeGraw is currently working. This is not a comprehensive list of all Karen is doing - it is merely a glimpse of a few projects.
    • Elliptical machine replacement
      One of the fitness room's elliptical machines has been in need of repair for some weeks. The machine has now been inspected by repair personnel and it has been determined that purchasing a new machine would be more economical. The old machine will be kept in storage for a time to be used for parts on the other machine. Residents who use the elliptical machines are encouraged to contact Karen if they would like to weigh in on features, brands, etc. for the new machine to be purchased.
    • Sidewalk repair on Dock Street
      Tree roots have pushed up some of the concrete slabs on the sidewalk outside the building on Dock Street. The hazardous slabs have been painted and taped off. Karen has scheduled demolition of the hazardous concrete for this week; subsequent steps will involve planting a new tree (to be approved by the city arborist and the FWDA) and pouring new concrete.

    Old business: None

    New business:
    • Proposal to rephrase wording on holiday decorations
      The board approved wording changes to the house rules regarding holiday decor. [See the complete house rules HERE; note that the house rules may be altered by a vote of the HOA board, while changes to the CC&Rs requires a vote of all homeowners.] The new changes will allow for blinking lights on decks during the holidays, and also limit the display of wreaths on the exterior of unit doors to December 1 through January 8 every year.

    Resident questions and comments:
    • A resident suggested a committee might be formed to reexamine some of the house rules. [Editor's note: in 2015 the house rules were extensively reviewed and revised in a months-long effort by no less than two committees.] The board acknowledged that the house rules are a document in constant flux, and suggestions for revisions are always welcome and appreciated. No charter for a review committee was granted by the board at this time, although the possibility was left open.

    • A resident questioned the need for the rule banning all bird feeders, including hummingbird feeders. A lengthy discussion ensued.

      On the one hand, there is abundant evidence that birds of many types can cause much damage to high-rise buildings. Bird droppings are unsightly and a health hazard; birds nesting in vents and other exterior nooks are extremely expensive to remove; and this building has already had at least one instance of a bird causing damage to rooftop machinery. Furthermore, it is clear that other types of birds are indeed attracted by hummingbird feeders, including orioles, finches, sparrows, woodpeckers, mimic thrushes, warblers, titmouses, mockingbirds, grackles, and warblers [see article HERE]. Building Manager Karen DeGraw prudently contends that it is in the best interest of the building to keep birds away as much as possible. Karen adds that she herself loves birds, but her job as Building Manager necessitates that she protect the integrity of the building.

      On the other hand,
      some residents are very fond of watching birds, including the hummingbirds that seem to frequent the building. One might very well question if the potential damage to the building outweighs the quality of life increase that bird watching provides. No resolution to this issue was achieved.

    • A resident made a short presentation regarding a newly-formed group called the "Friends of the Foss Activators" (not to be confused with the "Friends of the Foss" gardening and landscaping group that meets once per month to beautify the esplanade). FOFA is a small group chartered by the FWDA to help draw visitors to the Foss Waterway. As part of his presentation, the resident requested a $250 donation from the HOA for holiday lights to be installed in the landscaping along the esplanade. Other residential buildings and businesses are reportedly also donating to this cause, in an attempt to light the length of the walkway. The board considered and approved the $250 request.

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