Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Fitness Center Committee distributes survey

An email addressed to "Esplanade Residents" with the subject line "Esplanade Owners Association Survey" was distributed by property manager Claire Scott today. The body of the email contained a link to a survey concerning the Esplanade fitness center. The email requested that the survey be completed by 12/1/14.

The email raises a number of questions, such as:

  • The email was signed "Fitness Center Committee," although no names or contact information were provided for any members of the committee. The email did contain a link to the Condominium Management website, however, there is no "Fitness Center Committee" listed on the website. Would it be possible to find out who is on the committee, contact information for the committee, and some kind of statement of their purpose?
  • Although the email was addressed to "Residents," it did not specify whether residents, or owners, or both were being surveyed.
  • The survey itself does not ask for identifying information, thus it is possible for households and individuals to submit unlimited responses. Is this survey merely informational, or will the results actually dictate changes to the fitness center?

Nevertheless, despite the questions raised by the email, the committee members are clearly striving to gather data and gauge public opinion on the fitness center. This action would indicate that the committee and the HOA board are being good stewards of the fitness center, are addressing problems that users of the room may be experiencing, and are attempting to ensure the room remains a quality building amenity. HOA board members and committee members are invited to address the bulleted questions above by using the comments section below, and/or by submitting a clarifying statement to the blog editor for publication.

In an effort to preserve the survey's integrity, a link to the survey will not be provided on this blog.


  1. Thank you for the 40+ survey inputs received. We will collect the responses for Board consideration. The committee is Tom (Chair), Debi, Debra, and Laurie. The survey was sent to the property management company for resident distribution which I assume is the owners. We are still finalizing our mission statement but the intent is to be a resident advocate to provide input to the Board on maintenance, preventivie maintenance, repair, and recommendations for replacement/additions to the fitness center to include other center enhancements. Thank you again for the responses. Will let the Board know to add us on the official site. On behalf of the Committee -- Tom

  2. Thank you Tom! That is helpful information; hope the survey results are useful to the committee.
