Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Hump day poll - favorite coffee shop

One semi-regular item featured on this blog is an occasional poll on Wednesday, or "hump day." These non-scientific polls may concern matters relevant to the building, or may be frivolous - you just never know. If you have a suggestion for a poll, please send it in!

Today's poll concerns our favorite coffee shops in the neighborhood. There are plenty of spots in downtown Tacoma that serve espresso, even if coffee is not the main focus of the business. We like the espresso at Paesan and Cafe Vincero, to name a couple. However, this poll is looking for the most popular coffee shop in walking distance of The Esplanade - shops whose main focus is espresso drinks.

This poll is powered by Responses are entirely anonymous.

What is your favorite coffee shop in the neighborhood?
Anthem (at the History Museum)
B Sharp (On Court C, across from Over the Moon)
Metro (at the top of the UWT steps)
Starbucks (Next to UWT Book Store)
Starbucks (On 11th and Pacific)
True North (on Broadway across from Mexico Magico)
Tully's (On 9th and Broadway)

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