Thursday, February 12, 2015

Highlights from the 2/12 HOA board meeting

The official minutes from the HOA board meeting on 2/12/15 should be available on this blog in the next couple weeks or so. In advance of the official minutes, below are a few highlights from the meeting, attended by four board members (Rodger Morris not present), and approximately 15 other residents. Property manager Claire Scott was not present, due to illness.

Resident input and questions:
    • There was a resident question regarding the extreme temperatures in the hallways. Unfortunately no new information on this subject, except that diagnosis of the problem is ongoing. The board expressed that as with many of the systems in the building, it can be a lengthy process to diagnose issues, get bids for repairs, schedule repairs, etc. The hallway temperatures were also addressed at the January HOA board meeting; notes from that meeting include the following:

      Regarding the extreme temperature swings in the hallways, it has been found that the automated hallway heating system is overly sensitive. The former building manager (Kevin) had developed some routines to manage the temperature manually, and the current building manager (Jonathan) is developing similar routines which have, in recent weeks, helped to stabilize the temperatures. Replacing the automated system may be possible, but it is unknown how a new system might interact with other systems and design elements in the building, for example, the pressurization of hallways/stairwells during a fire to clear smoke from emergency exit routes."
    • The Esplanade received a very kind thank you and a certificate from the "Toys for Tots" organization, for the HOA's participation in the toy drive in December.

      Treasurer's report:
      • Unable to give a full report due to Claire Scott's illness. There was a resident request that monthly HOA expenditure reports be available in the building manager's office in a more timely manner. The board agreed to request this from Condominium Management.

      Safety Committee report:
      • Round knobs on exit doors that were not ADA-compliant have been switched back to the original, lever-style handles. However, the lever-style handles have been found to be less secure. Committee recommends fixed handles on the outside with push-bars on the inside, which will be both secure and ADA-compliant.
      • Laurie Bischof reported that she has resigned as chair of the committee, but will continue to participate. The board approved Pat Pound as the new committee chair.

      Social Committee report:
      • The committee asked for and received board approval on two possible upcoming social events: 
        • A St. Patrick's Day social, possibly featuring green beer and donated pizza
        • A "garden show" in April, featuring a local nursery set up on The Esplanade premises, with displays and suggestions for small deck plantings

      Fitness Room Committee report:
      • The committee would like service records of equipment in the room, and also clarification on the existence and the nature of any service contracts the HOA may have for the equipment. The board indicated that Condominium Management should be able to provide that information.
      • The board approved a suggestion to hang a clip board in the fitness room, on which residents could note any defects or service needed on the equipment. The intent would be that the building manager (Jonathan) would check the clip board periodically and either make the repairs himself or arrange for them to be made.
      • The committee agreed to send the board more specific results from a survey conducted in December, including top suggestions from residents regarding the fitness room.

      Old Business:
      • Evaluation of management company (Condominium Management): There was discussion at the January board meeting regarding either a one-time or a periodic performance review of the management company. At the request of the board, a resident volunteer went through the HOA's contract with Condominium Management, and created an item-by-item satisfaction survey that could be used to rate the company's performance.

        Copies of the satisfaction survey were available at the meeting; however, the board noted that many of the items on the survey would not be suitable for general resident input, as most residents would not have adequate information to rate the company's performance in areas such as "procure office supplies," "manage payroll," etc.

        It was suggested that the items on the survey be split into two instruments - one set of items to be used as a general resident survey, and the other set of items to be used for an HOA board review of the company. Work on this endeavor will be ongoing.

      • Brief discussion of plans for the back area of the community room recently vacated by the Esplanade sales staff. Some uncertainty on what to call this room: "game room," "back room," "pool room" all mentioned. Also some discussion by the board of the vision for this room's use. General agreement that more discussion needed.
      • HOA elections: The next HOA meeting in March will be a general meeting for all HOA members, and HOA board elections will take place. The board is hoping that interested HOA members will step up to fill the board positions being vacated. Any HOA member who has questions about the upcoming election can consult the HOA bylaws HERE, or questions can be directed to current board members. Also, "The Esplanade News" has set up an informational web page for the upcoming election, which can be accessed by clicking HERE.

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