Saturday, January 17, 2015

Highlights from the 1/15 HOA board meeting

The official minutes from the HOA board meeting on 1/15/15 should be available on this blog in the next couple weeks or so. In advance of the official minutes, below are a few highlights from the meeting, attended by three board members (Rodger Morris and Terri Day not present), approximately 15 other residents, and property manager Claire Scott.

Resident input and questions:
    • A question about installing a larger TV in the community room led to some discussion about general improvements to the community room, and the back area of the community room recently vacated by the Esplanade sales staff. Also some mention of installing a dishwasher in the kitchen area. Brief discussion about whether improvements to the entire area should be done as they come up, or whether there should be a comprehensive plan for improving the whole area. No definite plans at this time, although discussion is ongoing.
    • A brief request (again) for residents to please honor the rule about not hanging signs/banners from windows or balconies. (See declaration section 9.10) General acknowledgement that yes, we all want to support the Seahawks, but if Seahawk signs/banners are allowed, then banners for other teams, as well as political banners, and all manner of other signage would also have to be allowed. Note that signs/banners put up by the sales staff are, by rule, exempt.
    • Painting of the hallways in the building has become a priority. The property management company is currently searching for a contractor to complete this work.
    • A resident question about the evaluation of our property management company (Condominium Management) led to a lengthy discussion. In the opinion of the board, only a small minority of owners is interested in looking into replacing the management company. Board members also noted that prior to looking into replacement companies, a evaluative rubric should be developed. Some residents in attendance expressed that a periodic review of the management company and/or a resident satisfaction survey might be desirable.

      Property manager Claire Scott (representing Condominium Management) noted that in other buildings she manages, the HOAs do periodically evaluate the management company, request changes in procedures, etc. She also stated that in her opinion, a company's history and familiarity with the building is important and should be considered.

      Board members stated that if there are concerns about Condominium Management, residents should communicate those concerns to them.

    Old Business:
    • A scheduled audit of the HOA's finances is underway.
    • The recently approved HOA dues increase has been implemented (for more information on this dues increase, click HERE). It was noted that a typo in a communication from Condominium Management said the increase was 6%, when in fact the increase is 9%.
    • The investigation into the building's heating and cooling systems is ongoing:

      Regarding the extreme temperature swings in the hallways, it has been found that the automated hallway heating system is overly sensitive. The former building manager (Kevin) had developed some routines to manage the temperature manually, and the current building manager (Jonathan) is developing similar routines which have, in recent weeks, helped to stabilize the temperatures. Replacing the automated system may be possible, but it is unknown how a new system might interact with other systems and design elements in the building, for example, the pressurization of hallways/stairwells during a fire to clear smoke from emergency exit routes.

      Richmond Engineering is working with Trane Heating and Air Conditioning on the faulty air conditioning chiller unit on the roof. At this time it is estimated to be a $70,000 - $90,000 repair. However, it is not advised to do the repair until more information is known about why the unit failed so early in its expected lifespan, and that investigation is ongoing. At this time, air conditioning is not available in the building.

    New Business:
    • Future projects under discussion/consideration:
      • Garage vacuum: At some future time, all residents may be asked to remove cars from the lower parking garage on a specified date for a complete cleaning/vacuuming.
      • Exterior power washing of the building
      • Removal of "Sales Center" window shade in the lobby, with possible replacement with a non-lettered window shade
    • Proposal to merge committees: Some residents had submitted a proposal to merge the Landscape Committee, the Fitness Center Committee and the Building Committee into one entity. With only 4-6 people serving on all three committees combined, it was felt that a single committee could be more productive. The board, however, was reluctant to create a larger committee that would have "power in numbers" and might become "too powerful of a committee," which might lead to competition with the board. The board also felt that by keeping the committees separate, residents would be able to focus on those specific areas which they cared most about, and/or areas in which they had specific expertise to share with the board. The proposal was declined.

    Committee reports:
    • The Safety Committee is waiting on an update from the building manager regarding requested updates/repairs.
    • The Social Committee reported raising $320 at the tree-trimming auction in December, which will be put toward building-wide social functions.
    • The Fitness Room Committee reported that the three treadmills have been serviced and repaired. A survey sent out out by the committee some weeks ago received a robust response, and the committee is preparing a report to the board based on that survey. A resident request to add a pool to the fitness room was noted and denied.

    Election of new board members:
    • Election of three new board members will take place at a general HOA meeting in March. Owners interested in running for the board should fill out the nomination form on the Condominium Management website - first log in to the website, then click HERE.
    • Within the next month or so "The Esplanade News" blog will begin offering space to anyone interested in running for open HOA board positions. "The Esplanade News" will offer a page where interested parties can submit a photo and a written statement giving more information about their interest in running for the board.

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