Monday, February 9, 2015

News updates and reminders for this week

Just a few Esplanade news updates and reminders for this week:
  • The official minutes for the HOA board meeting which took place on 1/15 are now available on "The Esplanade News" documents page. Click HERE to go to the documents page, then click on "HOA Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes." An unofficial summary of the same meeting can be found HERE
  • The next HOA board meeting is this Thursday, 2/12, at 6:00 pm in the community room.
  • A notice from The Esplanade Book Club reported a good turnout and an excellent discussion for their February 5th meeting, where the subject of discussion was The Songs of Willow Frost. The next meeting will be Thursday, March 5th, to discuss The Girls of Atomic City, by Denise Kiernan. This marks a switch in the previously listed order of books, as the availability of Euphoria in local libraries seems sparse. 
  • And finally, if you are new to our building and/or to living in downtown Tacoma, you may be unaware of Monkeyshines, an annual Tacoma tradition that occurs every year at this time. Part of the fun is the mystery, so I will not say too much here. But if your curiosity is piqued, you can learn more from Tacoma Weekly and Exit 133.

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