Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Hump day poll - sandy area on the esplanade

Some months ago we ran a poll which indicated that Esplanade residents very much wanted to see improvements to the sandy former volleyball court on the water side of the building. It appears that changes to that area are coming, but there are no plans to replace the sand with grass or other landscaping. For more information see this blog post, and this blog post.

In recent weeks I have asked a number of people for their opinions on the "sand pit," and received a variety of replies, from "It doesn't bother me at all," to "It is a blight on the neighborhood and needs to be fixed!" For today's poll, I thought it might be interesting to see just how much commitment there might be to replacing the sand with grass.

Just for the record, Esplanade residents do not own the sand pit. However, the Foss Waterway Development Authority seems open to the idea of landscaping the area if the home and business owners on the waterway are willing to pay for it.

Do you want to see the sand pit replaced with grass or other landscaping?
No, it really doesn't bother me as it is.
Yes, although not so much that I'd be willing to contribute any money toward the project.
Yes, perhaps our HOA could direct some of its resources to the project.
Yes! I would even be willing to donate $50 - $150 to see the sand replaced with grass.
Poll Maker

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