Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Hump day poll - what is important in a building manager?

The Esplanade is currently searching for a new building manager (a little more information on that HERE). At the most recent HOA board meeting, property manager Claire Scott commented that while the building manager is technically an employee of Condominium Management, the building's HOA has full authority over the position. The building manager "serves at the pleasure of the board," she said. Claire also mentioned that years ago, when the building was under construction, it was thought that there might actually be up to three on-site employees: a building manager to handle business matters, a maintenance person, and a concierge.

The relatively short tenure of The Esplanade's recent building managers may be something of a concern to some residents. Furthermore, it is clear that residents are not entirely in agreement about the duties of the building manager. Today's poll asks what residents think is important in hiring our next building manager. If you would like to comment further on this matter, use the comments section below to add your thoughts.

What would you consider to be the most important quality for a building manager at The Esplanade?

Pleasant demeanor; ability to get along with residents, respond to their needs, and maintain a positive personality
Ability to make repairs, perform custodial tasks, etc.
Ability to manage business and financial matters, work with contractors, organize records and paperwork, etc.
Someone who cares about the building, and/or has a vested interest, i.e. someone who lives in the building
Other: see my comment below in the comments section
Poll Maker


  1. I think that the Board/Claire should develop a list of duties for the next building manager. They should use this list of attributes during the interview process. After the new manager is hired, the Board/Claire should make clear the expectations and designate who will give direction. Finally, the Board should mentor and give positive guidance to the new building manager. After all, the Board is responsible for hiring and firing the last two managers. Part of this problem appears to be ineffective management of the employee by the Board to assure success.

  2. I agree. The duty of Claire and the building manager are not clear. Several condos I lived before, the property manager is responsible for building manager, and it is property manager's responsibility to ensure the building manager perform his/her duty. After all we hire and pay property manager (professional) while boards are volunteers of the residents. It seems odd that the Board has to manage both Claire and the building manager.
