Monday, May 4, 2015

Building communication and comments on this blog

At the last HOA board meeting, there was a fair amount of resident comment on communication regarding building matters. A number of ideas were suggested in favor of print communication, i.e., printed newsletters, printed memos posted where residents could see them, etc. After taking some time to digest this, it has occurred to me that some residents simply prefer print over online communication, such as this blog.

To that end, print copies of all posts to this blog are now being placed in a binder located in the Esplanade lobby. The binder is white, and marked "Esplanade News." I am attempting to print and insert new material within 24 hours after posting it to this blog.

If you speak with neighbors who do not use the internet, please let them know about this binder. It is located on an end table near the fireplace and the yellow armchairs. Also, if you have feedback on this blog and/or thoughts on improving communication, please use the comments section below. 

NOTE: Currently readers ARE able to leave comments on this blog without any sign-in or account required. See the handy guide below:

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