Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Will there be art on the 15th Street Bridge?

Thanks to the folks over at the Exit 133 Blog for reporting that the City of Tacoma has now published a "call to artists," seeking ideas for art on our very own 15th Street bridge. Whoops, I suppose I should call it the "Prairie Line Trail Spur" instead of the 15th Street bridge. You can read Exit 133's blog post HERE, and see the actual notice from the city HERE.

For those who need a little background on this subject...
You can see all of the city's plans, drawings, and timelines HERE, and also a very thorough PowerPoint HERE. However, in brief form: The Prairie Line Trail is that recently-completed pedestrian thoroughfare that runs through the University of Washington Tacoma, and currently ends at 17th and Pacific. Supposedly, this summer the city will construct the section of the trail that will run along Hood Street, between the Tacoma Art Museum and the Tacoma Children's Museum. 

The plan also calls for beautifying and widening the pedestrian walkway along 15th as it crosses the railroad tracks and curves down to Dock Street. This walkway, of course, is visible from half the units in The Esplanade. My understanding is that the widening of the walkway will involve removing the concrete planters, and then moving the concrete barriers about a foot, so that the road is narrowed a bit and the walkway is widened.

In addition to widening the walkway and adding art, it is unclear what other improvements may be in the works for 15th Street. If you look very carefully at the PowerPoint linked above, it seems that someone had the idea of giving the walkway a brick surface, like the section at the UWT. And then there's this concept drawing that I managed to dig up on the city's website, which seems nice in a way, but perhaps somewhat unsafe, as it hides the walkway from passing traffic:

And YES, we are still waiting for the art in the "sand pit" on the water side of The Esplanade.

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