Monday, September 7, 2015

News and notes for this week

A few items of news and note for this coming week:

  • The September HOA board meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 9 at 6:00 p.m. in the community room. Note that this is a change from the usual "second Thursday of the month" meeting day. There will be committee reports, budget updates, and time for resident questions.
  • The New Tacoma Neighborhood Council is sponsoring a community forum on homeless encampments in our neighborhood. The forum will take place on September 9 (Yes, it conflicts with our HOA meeting) in the Carwein Auditorium at the UW Tacoma, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Resident input is probably very important to this discussion, so it might be good for representatives of the Esplanade to participate. Click HERE to see a flyer for this event. To learn a little more about the recent history of this issue in the neighborhood, click HERE.
  • The Esplanade Social Committee is sponsoring a "Taters and ice cream social" on Saturday, September 12. To see a flyer for this event, click HERE.
  • The first regular season Seahawks game is Sunday, September 13 at 10:00 a.m. Residents are invited to watch the game in the community room - bring food or drink to share. The HOA board has reportedly approved funding for an upgraded TV - more on this to come!
  • If you are interested in attending the next Esplanade Book Club, you might want to start reading And the Mountains Echoed, by Khaled Hosseni. The next meeting will be at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, October 1 in the community room. Do come whether you've completed the book or not. Wine and snacks are also on the agenda; feel free to bring something to share if you like. Future books for discussion include:
    • November:  Caleb's Crossing, by Geraldine Brooks
    • December:  The Moor's Account, by Laila Lalami
    • January:  An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth, by Chris Hadfield

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