Friday, October 16, 2015

Dining and drinking review: The Melting Pot Happy Hour

Dippity Doo Dah
Review and photos by Ted Broussard

The Melting Pot is located at 2121 Pacific Avenue

True Confession: I’ve always been a dipper. Be it a chip, a dip, a chunk of bread or a pot of fondue, I’m in. I’m also a dunker but that’s another story. My life as a dipper goes back to early childhood and probably reached its zenith in the 70s when I, too, was the proud owner of my own personal fondue set. That set is long gone by now but a visit to The Melting Pot just down Pacific Avenue offers a trip down memory lane of fun time with friends and delicious cheese fondue with all the requisite dippables.

The Tacoma site of The Melting Pot is located in a beautiful older brick building on the less-populated end of Pacific Avenue. Big glass windows at the front give a nice street view from the lounge area. The rest of the place goes further back into a labyrinth of different dining rooms both upstairs and down, but Happy Hour is limited to the lounge in front.

Happy Hour is your best bet for value. From 4-6 every day of the week, and again Sunday to Thursday from 9-10, as well as Friday and Saturday from 9-11 p.m., fondue prices are cut in half. Several enticing cheese fondues are normally offered from $8.95 to $9.75 per person, but Happy Hour garners you fondue for two for the price of one. Same goes for the menu of salads with a range from $6.50 to $7.25 and my personal favorite, the chocolate dessert fondue in either milk, white or dark chocolate for $7.95. Happy Hour drinks offer the usual reduced prices on beer, wine and well drinks and they typically feature a cocktail special. The featured cocktail on this visit was a Grapefruit Martini. It was serviceable and well priced at $6 but a little on the sweet side for my taste. Other cocktails are available but not at the reduced price.

The regular hours dinner menu offers an extensive wine list and additional entrée choices beyond just fondue. You can choose your particular cooking style, i.e. broth flavor, or go for the “4 course experience.” Total dinner costs really mount up if you go that direction, but Happy Hour gives enough of the experience at a much more affordable price. Fondue choices are ample and interesting. One can choose from Cheddar, Classic Alpine, Spinach and Artichoke, Bacon and Jalapeno, Top Shelf Fiesta and our choice on this visit, Wisconsin Trio. The way I see it, if it’s got Wisconsin in the name, you know it’s going to be cheesy. Never mind that fondue got its start in Switzerland; you gotta love cheese if you’re willing to wear it on your head. The “trio” in the title included Fontina, Butterkäse and Gorgonzola cheeses, with white wine, scallions and a hint of sherry. Dee-licious! Just the right mix of strong cheese flavor and hints of wine without one of them overpowering the other. Each fondue pot is served with dippers like bread, green apple cubes and fresh broccoli, carrots and cauliflower pieces. Veggies and fruit were crisp and fresh and the bread dish offered both white and dark bread chunks. 

Should you happen to have a moment of doubt if you should go for the chocolate fondue, throw your calorie counting to the wind and go for it. Our favorite is the dark chocolate version and it’s wonderful. Dip your heart out with brownie bites, marshmallows, strawberries, bananas, pineapple, pound cake chunks and Rice Krispy morsels. Each flavor sensation better than the last, it’s a great, decadent end to any fondue feast.

Next time you have an uncontrollable desire to visit the Swiss Alps or maybe even yodel a note or two, consider The Melting Pot for happy hour or even dinner if you’re up for a splurge. The food is very good, the environment is warm and cozy and you can embrace your inner dipper.

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