Monday, October 26, 2015

News and notes for this week

A few items of news and note for this week:
  • Fire drill: The building fire drill on Saturday, 10/24 was reportedly a success. Clearly it's important both for residents and for emergency personnel to practice these procedures in the building. Thanks to Pat Pound, Laurie Bischof, Lynette Chandler, and the other members of the safety committee for their work on this. A few pictures lifted from Laurie's Facebook post:

  • Window cleaning is currently scheduled for 10/27 - 11/9. For residents new to the building, window cleaners will be suspended from the roof and will clean all of your exterior glass, including deck railings. Expect to see cleaners outside your windows at any time during the cleaning days.

  • Information on proposed methanol plant: A $3.4 billion gas-to-methanol plant has been proposed at the Port of Tacoma. Citizens for a Healthy Bay, an environmental organization, is seeking to keep downtown residents involved and informed regarding this proposed plant. More information can be found on CHB's web page, HERE, and also on their Facebook page, HERE.

  • TacomaFIRST 311: A resource that many residents may be unaware of is an all-in-one website (and a cell phone app!) to request all sorts of city services and/or report concerns to the city. Everything from clogged storm drains, to overgrown vegetation, to graffiti removal, to homeless encampments, to street light problems can be reported at this site or by using their cell phone app. Visit the web page HERE.

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