Monday, December 28, 2015

News and notes for this week

A few items of news and note for this week:

  • This week between Christmas and New Year's is usually a very heavy week for recycling and garbage at The Esplanade. Please do NOT overfill the large recycling bins in the upper garage. If the lids will not close, then someone has to remove recycling from them - by hand - before they can be moved to the street.

    Residents may help the situation by: 1) 
    Remaining patient. It's not anyone's fault, it's just a busy time of year for garbage and the city does not schedule extra pickup days. 2) Keeping recycling in your unit for a couple extra days, if possible. 3) If you are making a trip to Home Depot or to the recycling center, take along some of the styrofoam from the styrofoam bin just inside the large garage door. Styrofoam is not picked up by the city - Karen has to take styrofoam to the recycling center (adjacent to Home Depot on Mullen Street) in her own car. If residents help out by taking a little styrofoam with them whenever they are going near that area, it frees Karen up for other tasks.

    For a complete guide to garbage and recycling at The Esplanade, click HERE.

  • A few of The Esplanade's building committees are still seeking new members. Serving on a building committee is a great way to help out our community, and typically does not involve much time commitment. Most notably, the Finance Committee and Safety Committee are both looking for new volunteers. If you are interested, contact Karen DeGraw and she will put you in touch with the committee chairs. See more information about committees HERE.

  • Watch your mailbox for information regarding the annual HOA meeting. This meeting will be for approval of the 2016 HOA budget, and also the election of new HOA board members. Every condo owner should receive information in the mail regarding this meeting; the mailing will also include the board's updated "Rules and Regulations for Residential Units." These updates to the "house rules" have been in process for many, many months, and will go into effect 30 days after being sent to owners. To see the old rules and regulations, click HERE.

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