Monday, January 11, 2016

News and notes for this week

Many items of news and note for this week:

  • New garage door - The new door to the lower garage has been installed, and the early reviews have been very positive. Residents have stated that the door seems solid and looks as though it will last much longer than previous doors. Residents are reminded to please let the door open all the way before driving through.

  • Board meeting this week - The January HOA board meeting will be on Thursday, January 14 at 6:00 p.m. in the community room. There will be committee reports, budget updates, and time for resident questions. To see an unofficial summary of the last board meeting click HERE.

  • New parks on the Foss - For residents who are not inclined to attend this Thursday's Esplanade HOA board meeting, it is also important that our building be represented at a Metro Parks meeting the same evening. A second public input meeting for two new Foss Waterway parks is being held this Thursday, January 14 at 6 p.m. in the Dome District. Click on the image below for more information:

  • Financial documents now on this website - Financial documents for the Esplanade HOA will now be available on "The Esplanade News" website. Because these documents contain sensitive HOA financial information, the documents are password-protected. Only the financial documents on the website are password-protected, the minutes and other documents are not. To see the documents page of "The Esplanade News," click HERE. To get the password for the HOA financial documents, come to this Thursday's board meeting, or contact the building manager.

  • Documents recently mailed to all condo owners - A recent mailing from Condominium Management included the proposed 2016 HOA budget, as well as the revised residential rules for the building. The new residential rules will be available on "The Esplanade News" documents page soon. The proposed 2016 HOA budget can be viewed HERE. (This document is password-protected. See the notice above.)

  • Water shut off this Friday - On Friday, January 15 the building's water will be shut off from 8 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Smith Fire will be in the building doing some inspections. There will be no alarms nor announcements, and they will not need access to residential units. MacDonald Miller will also be here during the same time, conducting pressurization testing in the stairwells.

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