Saturday, February 13, 2016

Highlights from the 2/11/16 general HOA meeting

The official minutes from the general HOA meeting on 2/11/16 should be available HERE in the next couple weeks or so. In advance of the official minutes, below are a few highlights from the meeting, attended by three current board membersBuilding Manager Karen DeGraw, and Property Manager Matt Brown. Board member Dave Rodenbach was not present due to a prior commitment. Approximately 50 other Esplanade residents were also on hand.

Opening and approval of minutes:
The board opened the meeting and approved the minutes from the last general HOA meeting, on 3/12/15.

Accomplishments over the last year:
Board President Debra Goodrich provided a summary of the board's activities and accomplishments over the past year. These included:
  • Hiring a new on-site building manager (Karen DeGraw) 
  • Organizing the HOA's finances, including a complete review of the financial records and day-to-day spending practices, a reorganization of the building's vendor management program, establishing a competitive bidding system for vendors (elevator, parking, HVAC, cleaning, etc.)
  • Hiring new cleaning service (Nellie)
  • Replacing rooftop compressor for HVAC system, at a substantial savings over the original cost estimates
  • Replacing lower garage door with a better-designed door with a longer warranty
  • Replacing 1 treadmill in fitness room and partially rebuilding 2 others
  • Major plumbing repairs on several floors
  • All hallways painted
  • Establishing a loading zone on Dock Street to partially lighten the load on the traffic circle
  • Clearing the Club Room of sales staff materials, purchasing new TV for Community Room
  • Adjusting parking practices in upper garage to maximize use for residents while keeping within legal requirements (still something of a work in progress)
  • Signage for parking in traffic circle and in upper garage
  • Writing and distribution of new residential rules
  • Establishing reserve funds within the operating budget in order to save for more significant yearly operating expenditures (insurance, etc.)
  • Increasing transparency and communication with HOA members, including notices in elevators, more emails from building manager, better use of "The Esplanade News" blog, etc.

Plans for 2016:
Board President Debra Goodrich next provided a summary of the board's goals for 2016. These included:
  • Continuing to improve communication and transparency
  • Addressing greater security in the building and exploring all possibilities, such as more security cameras, elevator fobs, replacing levers with handles, security doors in stairwells, etc.
  • Facilitating the completion of a required update to the reserve study
  • Finalizing the HOA's remaining agreements and associations with iStar
  • Reviewing the CC&Rs to explore the possibility of increasing insurance on the building, with the intent of decreasing each individual owner's insurance requirements
  • Enhancing the Club Room with minor updates
  • Better utilization of the HOA's Finance Committee

Election of new HOA board members:
Two positions were open on the HOA board. Existing board member Kory Keath sought re-election to her position, and resident Pat O’Donnell expressed interest in the previously-unfilled board position. Kory and Pat both spoke briefly about their experience and their willingness to serve the HOA, and both were unanimously elected with 54 votes cast (including proxy votes).

Ratification of 2016 HOA budget:
The proposed 2016 budget was passed automatically, as state law would require an 80-vote majority to reject the budget, and there were not 80 voting members present at the meeting.

HOA member open forum:
The board opened the meeting to comments and questions from the membership, which included:
  • Distribution of the password to access the HOA's financial documents on "The Esplanade News" website. For HOA members not present at the meeting, the password can be obtained from Building Manager Karen DeGraw.
  • Clarifying questions about one of the board's stated goals for 2016 (see above)
  • Questions about charging stations for electric cars, and a suggestion to create one charging station for use by all residents rather than allow multiple individual-use charging stations in the future
  • Questions about future plans for the Club Room; at this time the board has no elaborate plans for the room beyond a new card table, new paint, etc.
  • Question about the commercial unit on the southeast corner of the building; the board confirmed that the space has been purchased by Hollander Hospitality, which also owns the lot just south of The Esplanade.
  • Questions about the board's decision to reduce window cleaning to once per year instead of twice. The board's position is that window-cleaning in the fall was something of a waste, as the windows did not stay clean very long into the rainy season. Suggestion was made to hire cleaners only for the glass that residents cannot reach themselves, and allow residents to clean the accessible glass on their own decks. Cost savings might make up enough to have the unreachable glass cleaned twice per year. For those who would like exterior glass cleaned more often, some residents stated that window cleaners could be hired by individual unit owners for approximately $50. Contact Building Manager Karen DeGraw for more information.
  • Question about the building's exclusive contract with Comcast, and efforts made to dissolve that contract; board decided some months ago not to spend the estimated $1,000 necessary to obtain legal advice on this matter.
  • Questions/concerns about the number of units being rented in the building. The board reminded those present that there are steep fines for condo owners who do not notify management that their unit is being rented.
  • Questions about increasing cracks in the traffic circle's concrete; the board agreed to look into the matter.
  • Questions about the new fee for using the Community Room ($35 plus a refundable $100 damage deposit). The board found that too often, large gatherings were held in the community room and the room was not adequately cleaned afterward, thus a $35 cleaning fee was added. This fee does not apply to gatherings open to all Esplanade residents, such as book club, board meetings, Seahawks games, etc., but only when the room is used for private functions. However, some residents pointed out that not all private functions are alike, and a small meeting of 6 people with no food or drink might not warrant the cleaning fee, while a large dinner celebration of 50 people would warrant the fee. The board agreed to consider the matter at a future meeting.
  • A notice from the Social Committee that they are currently planning a wine-tasting event. More information coming.

Adjournment and one final announcement:
The meeting was adjourned, and an announcement was made that at the March 10 board meeting, Su Dowie will be present to answer questions and give information about developments on the Foss Waterway. Su is the Executive Director of the Foss Waterway Development Authority, although she will be retiring from that position in the next few months.

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