Friday, May 27, 2016

Dining and drinking review: Dunagan Brewing

Dunagan Brewing is located at 1126 Commerce St., next to Vostok House of Dumplings

Review and photos by Kurt Kwon

On a recent visit to the newly-opened Dunagan Brewing, I had the opportunity to meet the brewer and try all the beers. The place is casual and has a nice feel to it, and the brewer was extremely knowledgeable about beer and its history. There were an interesting assortment on tap that could possibly satisfy the pickiest beer palate. I'm still in search of the perfect local brewery that can satisfy my picky palate. I tried a sampler of the six beers available. At $2.50 for a 2.5 ounce taste it became a bit expensive to try.  

I started with the Plank Owner German Pilsner. It had a very forward citrus taste and a crisp tart finish. The Red Nun was next and was my least favorite because of the flat watery taste with a cask like finish; it was an odd taste. The Tallships was next and had a smooth bitter taste,  but also had a weird cask finish. Up next, Merrimans Wit was a German style witbier with a lemony banana notes and very tart. I'm definitely not a fan of witbier especially with the tart finish. The flagship beer was the Compass Rose. It is a honey lager style of beer that had an upfront, kick in your face honey flavor in a good way. This was definitely the favorite in the group. Finally, I finished off with the Kraken, which is an Irish dry stout with a heavy tobacco flavor and smooth coffee finish.  

Overall the beer selection was above average to good. However, the price point seems to be on the expensive side. The Compass Rose was $9 for a pint!  It was good but not $9 good. I'm looking forward to seeing what else this small brewery will produce. I will be back to check them out again. But in the meantime, I must keep trekking on to find the perfect local brewery. I know...tough job, but someone's got to do it!

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