Tuesday, May 31, 2016

News and notes for this week

Many items of news and note for this week:

  • HOA discussion/input meeting: A meeting will be held on Tuesday, June 7, at 6 p.m. to discuss policies and fees for use of the Community Room and the Club Room. 

    The recently-adopted building rules and regulations designated a $35 cleaning fee, and a $100 damage deposit when residents reserve and use the Community Room/Club Room for nonresident functions. HOA members have requested revisiting these fees, and perhaps drafting policies that are more specific and fair, and take into account the size and nature of events in these rooms.

    All interested HOA members are encouraged to attend Tuesday's meeting; this is an opportunity to help resolve these issues instead of merely registering complaints.

  • Community room reservations now online: Reservations for the Community Room are made through the building manager, Karen DeGraw. The reservation calendar has always been posted just outside the door to the room. Recently, however, reservations have also been made available online. Click HERE to view the Esplanade News calendar, which now features Community Room reservations, in addition to other events in the building and in the neighborhood.

  • Book Club meets this Thursday: The book club will meet at 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 2 in the community room. The book for discussion this month is Slade House, by David Mitchell. Do come whether you've completed the book or not. Wine and snacks are also on the agenda; feel free to bring something to share if you like. The books for the next two months are:
    • July: Gabrielle Zevin, The Storied Life of A. J. Fikry 
    • August: Paul Theroux, Deep South
  • Disaster preparedness information table: This Saturday, June 4, the Safety Committee will host tables in the lobby area with information on disaster preparedness. Residents are encouraged to stop at one of the tables for important information.

  • Take the social committee survey: The Esplanade Social Committee recently created a survey regarding possibilities for upcoming social events. You may fill out the paper survey that was distributed, or you may complete an online version of the survey by clicking HERE. The Social Committee would greatly appreciate your feedback!

  • 2015 HOA financial audit available: The final audit of the HOA's 2015 financial records is now available on The Esplanade News website. To view the audit, go to the "Esplanade News" documents page (click HERE). Then, open the folder labeled "HOA Financial Documents." (Click on the small triangle to open the folder.) In this folder, you will see several documents, including the 2015 audit.

    All financial documents are PASSWORD PROTECTED. To obtain the password to open the documents, contact Building Manager Karen DeGraw, or "Esplanade News" Editor Dan Hardebeck.

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