Monday, September 19, 2016

FWDA wants your input!

A message from Norman Gollub, Executive Director of the Foss Waterway Development Authority:

Dear Dock Street Resident:

In an effort to better understand the demographics and needs of those residing along Dock Street, the Foss Waterway Development Authority is undertaking a short online survey. It is mostly a multiple choice survey with options for comments. The results of the survey will help the FWDA guide future development and other activities within the downtown waterfront neighborhood. Your participation is greatly encouraged and appreciated.  Overall survey results will be shared with the public. However, individual responses will remain confidential.

The survey will close at midnight on September 30.  Results will be provided shortly thereafter to you and will also be posted on the FWDA website at:

Please visit this link to begin the survey:

Thank you in advance for your participation!


Norman Gollub
Executive Director, Foss Waterway Development Authority 

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