Thursday, October 20, 2016

"Safe and Secure Saturday"

"Safe and Secure Saturday" is this Saturday, October 22. The morning's events have been planned by the Esplanade HOA's Social Committee and Safety Committee. Participation in all activities is optional.

  • 9:00 "Coffee and Conversation" (free donuts)
  • 9:30 Vendor Fair, with home improvement, utilities, and safety experts on hand to answer resident questions (free mimosas)
  • 10:30 Fire drill, evacuation, and fire extinguisher demonstration. Participation in the drill is highly encouraged, but not mandatory. The drill itself will take approximately 15 minutes and will involve activation of the building alarm system, use of the building wide public address system, and activation of the ventilation system which provides over-pressurization to the stairwells. As a reminder for purposes of the drill (and in the event of an actual emergency requiring evacuation of the building) our recommended assembly point is the parking area under the 15th Street overpass (between the Esplanade and the Fish Peddler). For those who need assistance evacuating, the Tacoma Fire Department recommends you go to the nearest stairwell and remain there until assistance arrives.
  • 11:00 Esplanade community cookout (free hot dogs)

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