Tuesday, April 18, 2017

News and notes for this week

A couple items of news and note for this week:

  • Bikes need to be moved Wednesday morning!
    Building management is in the process of moving all bikes to a locked storage room in the NW corner of the lower garage. Emails and notices have been posted for weeks, informing residents of the move. If you have a bike in the rack, please come at 9:00 a.m. on Wednesday, 4/19 to unlock and move your bike, or make other arrangements so your bike can be unlocked. Bikes that are unclaimed will be donated to charity.

  • Daffodil Marine Parade this Sunday
    Sometime between noon and 1 p.m. on Sunday, 4/23, expect to see a flotilla of decorated boats on the Foss Waterway. The Tacoma Yacht Club parade hosts the Daffodil Royalty, plus dozens of other yachts and marine vessels. The Esplanade's Social Committee is planning to sponsor a mimosa table during the parade. Weather permitting, the table will be located outside so that residents can enjoy mimosas while watching the boat parade. 

  • marine parade.jpg
  • Work continuing on 15th Street Bridge
    Work on the 15th Street bridge outside the Esplanade is expected to continue through June. The work is part of the larger "Prairie Line Trail" project running through downtown. According to the project website, "The work will include adding new pedestrian lighting, new railings, and refinishing the sidewalk. The bridge will be closed to pedestrians through June 2017. Along with the 15th Street Bridge closure to pedestrians, intermittent closures to vehicular traffic can be expected through early May 2017." There has been no word on how the work will impact the Festival of Sail in June.

    The historical and cultural report (HERE) on the project is quite interesting. 
    You can also see all of the city's plans, drawings, and timelines HERE, and also a very thorough PowerPoint HERE. The real gem, however, is the interpretive plan (HERE) which shows a lot of the new artwork and signage being installed on the bridge, like this:

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