Thursday, April 20, 2017

Dining and drinking review: Valhalla Coffee

Editor's note: I don't often jump in and give my two cents on Kurt or Ted Broussard's food reviews. However, in this case I just have to add my support for Kurt. I am not a coffee drinker, but I understand that Valhalla opening a downtown location is quite a big deal to true Tacoma coffee aficionados. If you like coffee and you buy whole, fresh-roasted beans, apparently you cannot beat Valhalla, and there are a lot of downtowners who would like to see this place succeed.  -Dan

The new Valhalla Coffee is located within the 7 Seas Brewery, at 2101 Jefferson

Review and photos by Kurt Kwon
Having a creative outlet like this food blog is fun. I get to share my subjective tastes and if readers agree, great! And if readers don't agree, they let me know. That’s the beauty of food and alcohol, tastes are subjective. However, there’s one product that isn’t subjective in my mind…and it is coffee! Coffee is good or it is bad. There’s just no in between. Luckily, we now have a great coffee place just up the road in the 7 Seas building.

Valhalla Coffee started up on 6th Ave and quickly created a loyal following. The first time I had a sip of their amazing coffee I fell in love. I would drive all the way from our condo and pass dozens of coffee shops to get coffee at Valhalla. They are a small, local roaster specializing in producing gourmet coffee. My favorite beverage is "pour over drip coffee." They grind up enough grounds for one cup and use an individual filter to “pour over” hot water to make you a delicious cup of coffee. The pour over method creates a deeply rich texture and brings out the full flavor of the coffee beans. 

Two recommendations on the medium bold level are the Viking Blend and the Valkyrie Blend. The flavors are complex, much like a fine wine. On the bolder side is the French Roast and on the lighter side is the Ethiopian Harrar. I love getting their beans to brew at home, but somehow it just tastes better when they make it. 

If you love coffee, give them a try. The location is inside the popular 7 Seas Brewery. Coffee doesn’t necessarily compliment the 3uilt restaurant or the brewery, so Valhalla will need a lot of help from customers to keep them running at the new location.

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