Wednesday, August 23, 2017

News and notes for this week

There are a few items of news and note for this week:

  • Hilltop Street Fair this Saturday
    Just a short walk up the hill from the Esplanade, the Hilltop neighborhood will be the scene for live music, fashion, vendors, food, a car show and much more this Saturday. Click on the flyer below, or go HERE for their Facebook page, where you can see pictures from last year and get more information.

  • No August HOA board meeting - next meeting 9/14
    Due to cancellation of the August HOA board meeting, the next meeting will be on Thursday, Sept. 14 at 6:00 p.m. in the community room. There will be committee reports, budget updates, and time for resident questions. To see an unofficial summary of the June meeting click HERE.

  • Prairie Line Trail nearing completion
    Workers seem to be putting the finishing touches on the long-anticipated Prairie Line Trail. In the coming week or two, expect to see the art installed on the 15th Street Bridge light poles (see drawing below). Also, thanks to an alert reader for sharing the new PLT Interpretive Website with us, click HERE for that.

  • Exit 133 blog has migrated to "Tacoma Untapped"
    If you were a fan of the local blog, "Exit 133," you will notice that it has gone quiet in recent months. The blog was a favorite for people interested in new projects underway in Tacoma, and could always be counted on for the latest insights, pictures, debates and developments contributing to Tacoma's renaissance. The word is that the folks who brought you "Exit 133" are now sharing their insider information HERE, at the "Tacoma Untapped" Facebook page. Lots of great stuff, and healthy debate in the comments sections about the merits of various projects.

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