Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Refrigerator filters and volcanic eruptions

Two notices from the Esplanade's Safety and Emergency Response Committee:

    Mount St. Helens erupted May 18, 1980, causing wide-spread damage and sending ash thousands of feet into the air. (Photo by Grant M. Haller) Photo: P-I FileTwo documents prepared by the committee are now available on "The Esplanade News" website. The first is a lengthy list of tips regarding condo care and repairs. Included are things like how to change various filters and light bulbs in your condo; buzzing or whistling front doors; best ways to clean various surfaces; how to shut off your natural gas; and much, much more.

    The second document is the building's emergency response plan, which gives you useful information about things like sprinkler heads; the building's emergency generator; where the building's emergency outdoor assembly location is; and what to do in case of a volcanic eruption (don't laugh, some of us remember the last big one).

    Click HERE to view these two documents
    (they are both located in the first folder on the list).

  • Starting on Monday, December 1, the building will have a series of safety tests, including testing alarms and alert speakers. An evacuation drill is scheduled for Thursday, 12/4. More information will be posted on this blog later this week.

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