Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Christmas Tree Photo Sharing - Send in your photo!

With Christmas just around the corner, we've decided to try out a new concept - a photo share / photo contest! That's right, we are proud to present "The Esplanade News Christmas Tree Photo Contest!" We are calling this a "contest," but really it's just a way to share a little holiday cheer in the building, and see your neighbors' Christmas trees. But, if we are going to call it a contest, there should be prizes, so we are offering the following: 

  • One $10 gift certificate to Johnny's Seafood, chosen at random from all photos submitted
  • One $10 gift certificate to Johnny's Seafood for the "Best Christmas Tree," as selected by a panel of celebrity judges

We hope to get a lot of participation here, folks, so please send in your photos. And, in the spirit of inclusion, if you do not celebrate Christmas but you have some other holiday display you would like to share, by all means send that in!

Photos of just the tree are good, but it would be nice to see YOU in the photo with the tree! Send your photo, your name(s), and your unit number (optional) to "The Esplanade News" editor, Dan Hardebeck, at djhardebeck@gmail.com.

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