Friday, March 13, 2015

Highlights from the 3/12 HOA general meeting

The official minutes from the HOA general meeting on 3/12/15 should be available on this blog in the next couple weeks or so. In advance of the official minutes, below are a few highlights from the meeting, attended by four board members (Rodger Morris not present), and a packed roomful of other residents. Property manager Claire Scott of Condominium Management was also present to answer questions and help facilitate the election of new board members.

Treasurer's report:
  • Treasurer Terri Day reported the following figures for the HOA. There were some questions regarding the timeliness of the figures:
    • Operating account: $9,981
    • Reserve cash: $1,011,697
    • Accounts payable: $113,067
    • Current year net income: -$7,815

Old business:
  • Extreme temperatures in the hallways: This has been an ongoing topic of discussion and action on the part of the board and the management company (Condominium Management) for many months. See previous notes on this subject from the February board meeting HERE, and the January board meeting HERE.

    The board has this week received communication from Richmond Engineering, which was hired to give consultation on the problem. According to Claire Scott, this consultation was not per se a bid from the company to perform the work, but only a recommendation for what work might be done at what cost. The consultation advised a repair of approximately $6,800, which would involve deactivating machinery which continuously pumps outside air into the hallways. The result would be more stable hallway temperatures, and a potential $30,000 per year savings by not having to heat and cool air pumped in from outside. The board still has questions regarding how this change might impact the air quality in the hallways, the air pressure in the hallways, and compliance with fire safety codes for the building.

    Several other questions regarding the hallway temperatures were asked by residents, with Claire Scott and board members answering as best they could. Acknowledgement that none present were HVAC engineers.

  • Club room (the back section of the community room previously occupied by the sales staff): The board explained that they preferred the name "club room," over "game room," as the latter term seemed too limiting for the room's many possible uses. A committee formed some time ago has made recommendations to the board regarding improvements for this room. The board has not yet approved these recommendations, but will consider them individually as the committee provides more information regarding costs. (Not all of the following recommendations were explained at tonight's meeting; more details were provided to "The Esplanade News" via email.)
    • Removal of "Esplanade" lettering off the club room's wall and replacing the same lettering on the community room wall; this may require some painting on the one wall once the letters may have been taken off. 
    • There are active, online computers on site that we may keep to provide computer access. Change their location into the backside on the single counter.
    • There is an excess number of of desks/tables that may not fit any intended use from our perspective. The recommendation is to offer the items on sale to residents, or just simply give them away. We do not have storage space for these items.
    • Recommendation to buy an 80-inch TV to replace the one in the community room, and bring the existing one from the community room to the club room. 
    • Add three sets of tall bistro tables with tall chairs.
    • Add a tennis table, with the consideration that this could be folded and stored away.
    • Add two or three armchairs to replace two damaged chairs in the community room. 
    • Add a poker/cards table.
    • Keep one file cabinet for arts and craft storage if desired, the other one could be given to the building manager for use.
    • This planning may need to include the considerations of hiring a painter, TV set up technician and related materials. Additional research may have to be conducted about the 'hot' phone line in the former sales office; deactivation of that line may seems to be the appropriate course of action. 

  • Newsletter: Although no outright decision has been made to permanently discontinue board newsletters, the board has made the decision to suspend publication of newsletters for the time being, and utilize "The Esplanade News" (this blog) in their place.

New business:
  • Acknowledgement: Homeowner Roger VanDerVliet took the floor to thank a few individuals for work being done to help the HOA. He noted in particular Ken McDonald, who has spent many hours reviewing the HOA's finances.

  • Cable television/internet contract: Several homeowners shared frustration regarding the exclusive contract that Comcast has to service the building. This contract was apparently established by the building's contractor and is a 15-year contract. This issue has been explored and discussed at length in the past. The board has previously determined that it did not wish to incur the costs of a legal battle with Comcast.

    Nevertheless, a motion was proposed by a resident, requesting that the board obtain an attorney to look at the contract with Comcast, and have the board report back to HOA members on this matter. The motion was seconded, and the board agreed to abide by a vote of the members present. The motion carried, and board members agreed to move forward with the inquiry.

Election of new HOA board members:
  • Ballots were distributed by property manager Claire Scott. Three homeowners' names were on the ballot; these individuals had previously contacted Claire regarding their willingness to serve on the board if elected. An opportunity was given for any additional homeowners to be considered as write-in candidates, although no one came forward.
  • Each candidate spoke for a short time regarding their qualifications and vision for the board. Other residents asked a few questions of the candidates, who answered in turn. These questions included queries about how the candidates saw the role of board committees; and about how - in future elections - information about board candidates might be disseminated to homeowners unable to attend the election meetings in person.
  • After tallying the ballots, the newly elected board members were announced: Karen Degraw and Debra Goodrich, replacing outgoing board members Jose Rivera and Terri Day. Board members David Bischof and Kory Keath will serve one more year before their positions are up for election.
  • There was no mention of the fifth HOA board position, representing The Esplanade's commercial units. The term of Rodger Morris, who held this position, was thought to expire at this time. The HOA bylaws specify that the term of the commercial unit representative is only one year, as opposed to the two-year terms of the other board members. It is unknown if Morris, who has not appeared at a board meeting in many months, will continue in this role or if there was any vote of the commercial unit owners. 

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