Thursday, July 16, 2015

A couple of building notices

Two notices from building manager Karen DeGraw:

First, tomorrow (Friday, 7/17) is the annual fire safety inspection. The inspection will be conducted by Smith Fire Systems. They will need to have access to all units from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. to check sprinklers and fire alarms. There will also be bells and whistles being sounded off. If you are not going to be in the building tomorrow please make arrangements with Karen for access to your unit. If they can't gain access there is a charge (passed along to the owner) for Smith Fire to come back out and do a re-inspection.

Second, the board is seeking advice regarding bids submitted for plumbing work in the building. Pumps in 2nd and 6th floor trash rooms that circulate hot water to the building have caused leaks in past months. A temporary fix has been applied, but permanent repairs are necessary. If you have knowledge of commercial/industrial plumbing systems and can give advice on these bids, please please contact Karen.

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