Friday, March 10, 2017

Highlights from the 3/9/17 HOA general meeting

The official minutes from the HOA board meeting on 3/9/17 should be available HERE in the next couple weeks or so. In advance of the official minutes, below are a few highlights from the meeting, attended by three current board members; with Pete Cribbin and Kelly DeLaat-Maher out for personal reasons. Property Manager Matt Brown and Building Manager Karen DeGraw were on hand. Approximately 12 additional Esplanade residents were also present.

Treasurer's report:

  • Board Treasurer Pat O’Donnell provided the balances in both the operating fund and the reserve fund. She also fielded a few questions from other board members regarding HOA finances, including the percentage to which the reserves are currently funded. Pat also noted that HOA financial data can be very fluid - funds are constantly coming in and out, and reports from Condominium Management lag behind real-time revenue and expenditures, making it difficult to nail down precise, up-to-date numbers at any given moment.

Committee reports:

  • Finance Committee:
    Committee Chair Tim 
    O’Donnell had no new items to report to the board at this time, although he did re-state a goal of the committee, which is to generate monthly financial reports that are easier to read and digest for HOA members. To see the monthly reports in their current form, go HERE.

  • Safety Committee: 
    Committee Chair Pat Pound
    also stated a goal of his committee, which is to begin a process for recording information about the building's operation as that information is discovered. Although many of the systems in the building do have technical manuals for their use and maintenance, Pat explained that there are many "lessons learned" in the day-to-day operation that are not in the manuals, and these lessons and information should be recorded for future maintenance and safety concerns.

    Pat also briefly commented on new graffiti that recently appeared on the cement benches on the SE corner of Esplanade property.

  • Social Committee:
    Committee chair Sallie Zimmer had several items to report, including:
    • On Monday, 3/13, the Social Committee will host an early-morning "Daylight Savings Breakfast," to celebrate the time change and provide coffee and breakfast items to residents on their way to work.
    • The Social Committee has now hosted three guest speakers in its series of "Esplanade Speaker Forums." These are not decision-making forums, but invited guest speakers. The next speaker, on 3/28, will be Ricardo Noguera, the Community and Economic Director for the City of Tacoma, who will speak and answer questions about development in Tacoma. In May, Bill Barsma, a former mayor of Tacoma, will speak on the city's history.
    • The "Chocolate Lovers' Game Night" in February was considered a success, despite a somewhat lower turnout than some previous events. Those in attendance enjoyed the event.
    • Sallie noted that the Social Committee, in the future, will be unwilling to provide alcohol at social events, due to concerns about liability. This will not prevent residents from bringing alcohol to social events - the committee simply does not want to be in the position of providing it.
    • Sallie also requested to have a separate meeting with the Social Committee, the board, and Building Manager Karen DeGraw, for the purpose of clarifying the scope of the committee's work. Questions have been raised regarding seasonal decorations, committee finances and expenditures, etc., and the committee would like clarification on these matters moving forward. Board members agreed to arrange such a meeting.
    • Finally, Sallie noted one more upcoming event, a brunch being planned to coincide with the Daffodil Marine Parade on 4/23. Plans have not been finalized, but weather permitting, the event may be held outside so that residents can enjoy the brunch while watching the boat parade.

Building Manager's report:
Below are a few of the projects on which Building Manager Karen DeGraw is currently working. This is not a comprehensive list of all Karen is doing - it is merely a glimpse of a few projects.
  • Deck resurfacing
    Karen reported that she currently has two bids, and is seeking a third, for the r
    esurfacing of the elastomeric surface on all units' concrete decks (not the 2nd floor "Trex" decks). Even though the surfaces may not appear worn, it is necessary to recoat the surfaces to prevent degradation of the concrete from UV exposure.
  • Replacing locks with fobs
    Karen also reported that she is closer to having bids for installing fob readers on some exterior doors and in the elevators. There would be several advantages to fobs over keys. Fobs cannot be copied as easily as keys, and there is no telling how many copies of our door keys are currently out in the world. Keys also deteriorate the locks over time - the front door lock has been inoperable on several occasions due to residents pulling the door open with their key. [For a more complete explanation of security issues in the building, please read THIS. Note that installing fob readers might be only the first stage in a longer process of creating heightened building security.]
    • Cleaning of lower garage and decluttering parking spaces
      Karen is currently working on getting bids for a vacuuming and general cleaning of the lower garage. In conjunction with that, some "decluttering" of the garage will be attempted as well: Bikes currently in the rack on the western wall of the garage will be moved to the newly-emptied (and lockable) storage room. The board approved funds for the purchase of a new kayak rack, to be installed on the wall at the north end of the garage, where several kayaks are now hanging. The new rack will accommodate more kayaks, allowing them to be moved out of parking spaces. Karen noted that according to the building rules, residents are generally not allowed to clutter up parking spaces with storage of miscellaneous items, except in cases where special permission has been granted due to unique configuration of the spaces.
    • New exercise bike and/or rowing machine
      The existing exercise bike in the fitness room has experienced many problems and needs to be replaced. The plan is to replace the bike with a newer model, and/or with a rowing machine. Homeowners who would like to weigh in on this issue should see Karen.
    • "Confidence test" coming on June 5
      One June 5, a building-wide test will be done to make certain that emergency systems all come online when power to the building is cut. All power in the building will be disabled for a short time while the systems are tested.

      Old business: None

      New business:
      • Presentation on HOA's insurance
        An insurance agent for Condominium Management will present at the next board meeting on 4/13, in order to provide information regarding a suggested change to the HOA's policy. The change may save money on homeowners' individual policies; it is thought that many homeowners may be over-covered, and may be able to save money on their individual policies if this change is made.
      • Report from FWOA meeting
        Board member Pete Cribbin recently attended a meeting of the Foss Waterway Owners' Association. Several topics were addressed, including landscaping on the esplanade, permission for vendors to operate on the esplanade during warmer months, the upcoming Festival of Sail, future installation of banners on esplanade light poles, etc. The issue of the Esplanade's dues to the FWOA was also raised; it may be that the Esplanade HOA is paying a disproportionate percentage of dues, and the board agreed to investigate.
      • Board members added to committees
        The board noted that per HOA bylaws, a board member should be included on each board committee. Some appointments were made in order to facilitate this.

      Resident questions and comments:
      • A few clarifying questions were asked regarding items above, and that information has been inserted into the notes above where appropriate.
      • A resident asked a question about the recent slight decrease in HOA dues, and wondered if planned increases in City of Tacoma water rates will necessitate higher dues in the future.
      • A resident commented that in recent interactions with the Foss Waterway Development Authority, the FWDA director asked for "activators" or volunteers to participate in FWDA initiatives. More information on this will be forthcoming.

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